Lighthouse Studio and Discover both integrate with third-party sources through query strings. A query string allows you to pass data to a website by appending information to the end of its link. This means that if you have created a Sawtooth Software survey, you can pass information into the survey, store it within the survey, and then at the end of the survey, pass this data back out to a different website.
If your third-party platform can append information to the end of a link to a Sawtooth Software survey, or if the platform can collect data from a query string sent back to it, then it will be be able to integrate with Sawtooth Software.
Third-Party Panel Providers. If you are using a panel company to email survey invitations to potential respondents, the panel company will likely have a unique ID assigned to each respondent. This ID can be added to the end of the link to the survey, stored in the survey, and then, at the conclusion of the survey, the respondent will be redirected back to the panel company so their completion can be recorded.
Third-Party Survey Companies. Perhaps the Sawtooth survey is one of a number of surveys the respondent needs to complete. Let’s suppose the respondent starts a survey on a different platform, then at the end of that survey, some of the collected data is passed along to the Sawtooth survey. Then, at the conclusion of the Sawtooth survey, the respondent, and some of the respondent’s data, is handed over to a different website. All of this can be accomplished with query strings.
Below are some of the third-party services that have successfully connected to Sawtooth Software surveys.
AskNicely, Bilendi, Checkbox Survey, Ciao, Cint, Client Heartbeat, Critical Mix, Dynata, EMI Research Solutions, Formsite, GMI, GetFeedback, Google Forms, Greenfield, Honestly, KwikSurveys, Lightspeed Research, LimeSurvey, Lucid, M3, Market Cube, Norstat, Outside Software eSurveysPro, PollDaddy, Prodege, Pulse Insights, Qualaroo, Qualtrics, ROI Rocket, Research Now, Responster, SSI, SoGoSurvey, Survey Legend, Survey Nuts, Survey Planet, SurveyGizmo, SurveyMonkey, Survicate, TNS, Toluna, Typeform, WebEngage, WorldApp KeySurvey, Zoho Survey