Error: Cannot access page

Last Updated: 10 Apr 2013Hits: 5586
Sometimes I get a “cannot access page” error once my survey is moved onto the server. Or sometimes I get an error that says, “The page you are looking for is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.” What do these errors mean?

This error is usually caused when two critical survey files, and don’t have the right permissions to allow them to read and write respondent data. For one reason or another, their attributes have have not been set up correctly, or were somehow modified.

To check the file attributes on the server, you’ll need to use a FTP (file transfer protocol) program such as the free FileZilla client. You’ll also need three pieces of information:

  1. FTP Host Name (ex.
  2. FTP User Name (ex. UserName)
  3. FTP Password (ex. Pa$$w0rd)


To check on your file permissions, please follow the hosting instructions on the Server Setup support page.

If you are hosting with us and your survey isn’t working, please send an e-mail in to with your project name and a description of what we can do to reproduce the error.