What is a Sawtooth Software Account?

Last Updated: 29 Jan 2016Hits: 13062
When I launch Lighthouse Studio, it asks me to sign in to my Sawtooth Software Account. What is a Sawtooth Software Account?

Starting with Lighthouse Studio 9, you no longer import a license file in order to use your subscription. Instead, you sign in to your Sawtooth Software Account and it will automatically fetch your subscription information.

The first time you launch the software after installation you will need to sign in to your Sawtooth Software Account:1955 Signin

If you already have a Sawtooth Software account then you can sign in by clicking Sign in. Otherwise, you can create a new account by clicking Create New Account (or by going to https://account.sawtoothsoftware.com). After creating the account you will receive an email asking you to confirm account creation by following the link in the email. Once your account is confirmed, return to the software to sign in and start using it.

When signed in to your Sawtooth Software Account you will see your account email address at the top of the window. You can click on that to view your license information, go to your account online, or sign out.

Account Administrators

If you are an account administrator you can manage your users by going to https://account.sawtoothsoftware.com. Once signed in you can click on My Subscripitions and then the subscription that you want to manage. From there you can then add, edit, or delete users and other administrators. 1655 Addusers

Users can use the software included in the subscription after they sign in to their Sawtooth Software Account in the software. Administrators can add, remove, and edit other users and administrators, but cannot use the software unless also marked as a user.

Rather than adding users one-at-a-time, you can also use the Generate Access Link button to generate a link to send your new users.1655 GenerateCopy that link and send it to your users.1655 Link

After clicking on the link, users will be able to create their Sawtooth Software Account and be automatically added as a user under your subscription.

Once done with the link you can click Remove Link to de-activate the link. Current users will remain users, but no new users can use the link to become users. To remove all users besides yourself use Remove All Users.


If you experience problems seeing your licenses, it may be that your network security system is prohibiting your computer from accessing our servers. If so, please add the following domains to your list of approved sites: licenseapi.sawtoothsoftware.comaccount.sawtoothsoftware.com, and identity.sawtoothsoftware.com.

If you still continue to have problems, please contact us at support@sawtoothsoftware.com or give us a call at +1 801 477 4700.