General Issues

Passing Information In and Out of a Lighthouse Studio Survey

12 Dec 2022 - 3937 hits

How to pass information into and out of a Lighthouse Studio survey.

Creating Stand-Alone Choice Simulators

09 Aug 2017 - 6178 hits

After you have created a simulation within the Choice Simulator, you may want to give your client a copy of the simulation so they can play around with it. Here are instructions on how to do that. ... Read More

How to Show File Name Extensions in Windows Explorer

04 Apr 2017 - 101433 hits

I do not see the file name extensions when I look at my files in Windows Explorer. How do I turn this on?

What is a Sawtooth Software Account?

29 Jan 2016 - 12952 hits

When I launch Lighthouse Studio, it asks me to sign in to my Sawtooth Software Account. What is a Sawtooth Software Account?

Using the Data Cleaner to Clean and Import Data into Lighthouse Studio

19 Nov 2015 - 9210 hits

I noticed a Data Cleaner utility in the Downloads > Tools and Scripts section of this website. How do I use this utility?

What are the hardware requirements for SSI Web?

17 Nov 2015 - 6780 hits

What are the hardware requirements for running SSI Web and the other installed software produced by Sawtooth Software?

Deleting Unecessary Files from Your Computer

27 Oct 2015 - 5660 hits

I've noticed there are lots of SSI Web looking files in an "htdocs" folder. They look like duplicates of the study files in my studies folder. Can I purge these without harming my study files?

MaxDiff Calculator

22 Jul 2015 - 17524 hits

When designing a MaxDiff survey you need to determine how many items each respondent will evaluate, how many items are displayed in each question, and how many questions each respondent will see.

How to use Mechanical Turk for your surveys

24 Oct 2014 - 20886 hits

How do I use Mechanical Turk to get people to take my survey?

What is the order of XLF content?

01 Oct 2014 - 4819 hits

I'm looking at the .XLF file that is exported out of SSI Web. Is there an order to the content that appears in the file?

XLF Language Translations

01 Oct 2014 - 11274 hits

What software can I use to create an XLF translation?

Can I Compare Utilities Across Different Studies?

01 Oct 2014 - 7910 hits

I ran two studies in the past year. Is it appropriate to compare the utilities from study A to study B?

Finding Missing Data in Limbo

10 Sep 2014 - 5510 hits

I'm using SSI Web 7 to field a survey and I have a respondent who is marked as complete but when I examine their data record, it shows that they skipped a required question. Where is the missing ... Read More

Window or Dialog Opening Off Screen

10 Sep 2014 - 8230 hits

When I switch from two monitors to one monitor some of my Sawtooth Software windows and dialog boxes are opening off screen, making it appear that the software has hung up. What can I do to fix this?

Average utilities and simulations are not in agreement

20 Aug 2014 - 4957 hits

When I look at average utilities, Level X has a higher utility than Level Y, but in simulations more respondents choose Level Y.

Constructing Parent and Child Lists

12 May 2014 - 6515 hits

Below are two questions from an SSI Web survey. How do I create a constructed list to build the drop-down boxes for these questions? Q1. At what price is this product starting to get expensive but ... Read More

Fit statistic for ACA surveys

09 May 2014 - 5661 hits

What is the fit statistic for ACA surveys?

System Data Fields

11 Mar 2014 - 7419 hits

What do the system data fields mean when I look at a respondent's data?

Passing Information In and Out of a Survey (LHS 9.13 or earlier)

24 Oct 2013 - 16728 hits

How to link surveys and pass information in and out of a survey. This article is for Lighthouse Studio 9.13 or earlier.

Tablets That Run Offline Surveys (CAPI)

26 Sep 2013 - 7857 hits

Do you have a list of tablets that will run surveys offline?