Test survey


Testing your survey is a crucial step to ensure everything works as expected. Test survey allows you to preview the survey as if you were a respondent. This allows you to experience the survey flow and interactions firsthand. In addition to previewing the survey, data is collected in test mode that can be viewed and analyzed separately from live data. Test your survey by clicking the Test button at the top right of the Create or Share tab. If your survey contains any errors, an audit list will be shown. Errors need to be resolved before testing.

You can easily share the test survey with others for feedback or additional testing. Learn about that below.

Test Button

Test toolbar

Inside test mode, a toolbar at the top of the screen gives access to several features.

Skip to a question

Jump forward or backward to a specific question by selecting the desired question in the skip to dropdown.

Skip to Dropdown
Question responses are not saved till the next button is clicked. If you select a response make sure to click next before skipping to another question. This is especially important when answering questions that affect skip logic and quotas.

Share the test survey

The test survey can be given to others by clicking the Copy test link button. Anyone with the link will have access to the survey, since a login is not required. As mentioned above, the test survey collects data. Responses collected from others will also be available for analysis.

Copy Test Link

Accessing test data

When a survey is created, the data being viewed is set to test data. After collecting test data, it can be seen in the Data and Analysis areas of the software. Every time the survey is published, Data and Analysis will automatically switch to the live data set.

Switch between the two sets of data by clicking the button at the top of the Data tab. Customizations to analysis such as crosstabs, simulator products, or TURF configurations, will not transfer from test to live data. This is also true in reverse, live data configurations will not be applied to test data.

Switch the data set by opening the fly out menu in the data tab.


  • When the test button is clicked, a test version of the survey is published. Modifications to the survey flow such as changing labels or deleting questions will not be reflected in analysis until Test button is clicked again and the test survey is republished.
  • Like a live survey, once a survey ending is reached, the respondent cannot back up and make changes. This is reflected in the skip to question dropdown being disabled. Additionally, if the survey uses Unique IDs, the ID cannot be used a second time unless the survey is reset.
  • When URL variables are added to the survey, they will be included in both the live and test URLs. This means values can be assigned to the variables in the test link. These values can then be viewed in the export of test data.