If you need to pass respondents back to the panel provider or into an additional survey platform, you need to specify the link (URL) that respondents will be redirected to after they are finished with the survey in Discover. This link must be obtained from the destination (receiving platform/website) and inserted into the redirect URL field. You can pass data out of Discover by appending variable data within the URL. To call/reference the variable data and insert it into the link, use open and closing double curly-brace tags around the Variable name you wish to pass out of the survey, like this: {{Variable}}.
For example, if you obtain a URL from your panel provider that looks like this:
The variables that you might consider passing out are for the id and location variables. The “XXXX” in the link are the values that need to be replaced.
Let us assume that we defined our respondent ID numbers as respid and locations as location. To insert the data and pass it out over the URL, you would replace “XXXX” after “id=” and “location=” with {{respid}} and {{location}} respectively. The URL would look like this:
Read the article Linking surveys and passing data to learn more.