Introduction to lists


Lists are a fundamental building block to most question types. Each time you add a question to your survey that includes response options (for example a multiple-choice or MaxDiff), a new, empty list is automatically created.

Lists can be modified through the list selection dropdown or the list manager.

List selection

Select a list to use in a question and make modifications to list through the selection dropdown on questions.

List Selection Dropdown

List manager

View all lists in one place with the list manager.

List Manager

The list manager is found through the tools dropdown or in the list dropdown on question cards.

Interface highlighting the locations to access the list manager.

List management


New, empty lists are automatically created when a question is added, however, you can start over with a new list by clicking the plus icon (Add – Plus – New) in the list dropdown or manager.


When a list is created, it is assigned a default name. For example, a list generated by question Q1 will be named "Q1List."

To help organize your lists, renaming a question will automatically update the list's name to match. This automatic renaming will continue until you manually change the list name. For instance, if you rename "Q1" to "State," the list will then be renamed to "StateList."


Once a list has been created, you can easily reuse it in other questions. Simply select the same list from the list selection dropdown in each question where you want to use it. This allows you to avoid entering the same items multiple times.

Reuse Lists by clicking into the dropdown above the question list.  

Be aware that when a list is used in multiple questions, any changes to an item will be applied across all instances of that item. This can be both beneficial and problematic, so proceed with caution. For instance, correcting a spelling error in one place will fix it everywhere, but deleting a list item in one question might disrupt settings in another.

It is crucial to thoroughly review all questions utilizing a particular list before making any changes to the list or its items. This ensures that your modifications do not unintentionally impact other questions.

To help you track lists used in multiple questions, the icon next to the list name will change (Reuse List) and a message will appear next to the dropdown indicating all instances of the list.

Dropdown showing all instances of a list.

Special items may behave differently depending on the question in which the list is used. For instance, a text entry (e.g., "Other, please specify") is appropriate for a multi-select question but not for a MaxDiff question, where only the item text will appear. In such cases, it might be better to duplicate the list and then remove the text entry option for use in the MaxDiff question.

Changing items

If you change the list item text, respondent's records will stay consistent throughout the changes. For example, if list item 5 said “Bleu,” but you then changed it to “Blue,” respondent records would all match, showing that they all selected “Blue” (choice 5). In this case of a misspelled word, the responses would be equivalent. In another example, if you changed “Blue” to “Red,” all records would show that respondents chose list item 5, or “Red.” Ensure that changing list items in a published survey would result in desired behavior.

Reordering list items will be reflected in the data export. If the first set of respondents saw 2. Yellow, but halfway through collecting data, yellow was changed to 4, the record will show that everyone selected 4.

Deleting a list item from a question and publishing your survey will remove that item from data export and analysis. For example, if you have option 5 in a question as “Blue” and you choose to delete that item, respondent data will not show they ever selected Blue.


Sometimes slight modifications need to be made to a list to make it work in multiple questions. It can be much quicker to duplicate a list and then make changes to the new copy. Once a list is duplicated, the two lists are completely independent. Changes in one list will not affect the other.


Deleting a list will remove it from all questions, logic, and quotas it is used in. Proceed with caution.

Special items

At the bottom of lists in certain question types, there are blue buttons that allow you to + Add item or + Add a special item. When you click + Add special item, there are two options available: Text entry option and Exclusive option. Click one of these options to add a special list item.

Special Items

If you want to apply or remove one of these settings after you have already created a list item, click the pencil icon (Editing Questions) next to the item and click the toggle for the appropriate setting.

Special items are stuck to the bottom of the question, even when the list is randomized. This is to ensure that items such as a “none of the above” stays in the correct place.

Text entry option

This option allows respondents to type their own (open-end) answers. When this setting is applied, an input field is automatically inserted into a list item. An icon (Text Entry) is also added at the beginning of the list item to call out the applied setting.

For example, you could ask "What is your favorite color?” and present a list of colors. One option could say “Other (please specify)” and then allows the respondent to type their own answer.

More than one list item can allow for text entry.

The list item that has the text entry option included is highlighted.

This is how the question will appear to respondents:

A single-select question asking respondents what their favorite genre of music is. Their are several genres listed, and the last option is other, please specify.

Exclusive option

When an exclusive item is checked, all other items in the list are automatically unchecked. The classic example of this is the "None of the above" response option. This option is only available in a question where multiple selections are available. When the setting is applied, an icon (Exclusive Option) is placed at the beginning of the item to signify the setting is applied. More than one list item may be set as "exclusive" for a question.

A single-select question asking respondents what their favorite genre of music is. Their are several genres listed, and the last option says I don't like any of these.

Data export and analysis

Responses appear differently in the data export depending on the question type and settings applied. Learn more about this in the Data download article.