Multi-language surveys


A single survey can be fielded in multiple languages and the resulting data can be evaluated as one combined data set.

Locating multi-language settings

  1. Navigate to the Create tab.
  2. Click Settings in the sidebar. 
  3. Click Languages in the vertical tabs. 
User interface showing how to find the Language settings.

Setting up a multi-language survey

On the Languages page, you'll find two main sections:

  • Languages table: Define and import the languages your survey will support.
  • Set survey language: Configure how the survey determines the appropriate language for respondents.
User interface showing the two main sections on the Languages page.

The default language

The default language for newly-created surveys is English, as displayed in the Language table.

The first language listed in the table is always the default. This language serves as the base for translations and is used for survey text displayed in the builder fields.

User interface showing where the Default Language Name is found.
If you want to use a default language other than English, you must translate or update the survey and error messages that appear to respondents. These messages can be modified in the Survey text & Messages settings area or by using the Translation import feature (see below).

If the initial version of your survey is in a language other than English, you can update the "English" label to reflect your desired default language (e.g., "Spanish"). This change can be made at any stage of the authoring process.

Adding languages

To add languages to your survey and provide translations:

  1. Click the + Add language button at the bottom of the languages table. This action adds a new row to the table, with the language name input field automatically focused.
  2. Enter a name for the new language.
User interface showing how to add a language and assign it with a name. 

Once you defocus the language name input, by clicking outside the field, the language will be saved to the database. This enables the Set survey language settings for that language.

Note: Adding a language to the Languages table does not automatically generate translations for your survey. You must manually import translations for any additional languages you wish to include. For more information, see the Translation template files and Importing translations sections below.

Setting the Pass-in/data value fields

The Pass-in/data value fields are vital to multi-language surveys. The values provided are used as the values that are saved to respondent data records for the Language variable, and for setting the survey language by Pass-in variable (if applicable).

User interface showing where to assign pass-in/data values

To set the Pass-in/data values, simply provide a unique value for each language in the languages table.

We recommend you set a value that is meaningful and/or intentional for your preference or particular study.

For example, you may prefer short abbreviations for each language (I.e., "en" for English, "sp" for Spanish, etc.) that are easy to decode in the raw data file, or abstract values like numbers to represent each language (I.e., 1 for English, 2 for Spanish, etc.).

Translation template files

You can add the translated text for additional languages by importing Excel translation template files. You can download these files for your translation work by using either of these methods:

  1. Clicking the export language icon (Download Template Icon) on the right side of a language in the table. This downloads a file containing just the fields needed for the language selected. 
  2. Clicking the Export text for translation button on the upper right-hand side of the table. This downloads a spreadsheet with all your defined survey languages in one file.  
User interfaces showing where to find the export language(s) buttons.

All template files are formatted in the same way. The first column is a Field IDs column that contains unique identifiers for every piece of content in your survey.  

These IDs are critical to matching your translations with the correct survey field so it is crucial that you do not modify these fields. 

The second column comprises the text/content from the base (default) language. Any subsequent columns (column 3 and above) make up the remaining languages (translations) you need to provide. 

Excel spreadsheet showing what the template files look like

Importing translations

To import the translations for your survey, click the blue Import Translations button in the upper right-hand corner and then select the translation template file (discussed above) on your local hard drive. Both spreadsheet types, the one containing a single language and the one containing all the languages, are uploaded here.

Import Languages

Once you have done this, the translations (Excel columns) are imported and connected to the languages in your survey by matching the language name in the table and the language column header label in the Excel spreadsheet.

You then see "Import successful!" at the bottom of your screen.

A word of caution: be deliberate and careful with changing Language name labels (in the Language table or Language template file). Any deviation in a Language name label (including case) will result in a new language and its translations being added to the survey.

You can add new languages as you go by providing a new language name in the header row of your language template file.
You can also modify the default language text and reimport it. This can be used for correcting multiple spelling errors throughout the survey.

Also be aware that importing new translations replaces (overrides) any existing text/content that may previously have been imported. The only exception to this is blank cells. If your Excel template file has a blank cell where you previously imported text/content, that text/content is preserved (the blank cell is ignored).

Setting the survey language

When you add two or more languages to the Languages table, the Set Survey Language settings are enabled. You can then configure the survey language to be set using one of two methods:

  1. Respondent choice: A single-select question at the beginning of the survey allows respondents to select their preferred language.
  2. Pass-in variable: A variable in the survey URL specifies the respondent's language automatically.
Set Survey Language

At the top of the Set survey language section, there is an input field for naming the language variable. This name is used in three key places:

  • To save each respondent’s language selection in their data record.
  • As the name of the single-select Language select question that appears if Respondent choice is enabled.
  • As the name of the URL variable for setting the language via Pass-in variable.
User interface showing where to find and set the Language Variable name

If you want to view or manage this variable alongside others, click the Variable Manager link next to the input field.

Changing the name of the language variable in any location (e.g., in the Languages settings, Variable manager, or the Respondent choice question) automatically updates it everywhere else, ensuring consistency across the survey setup.

Respondent’s choice

By default, a single-select question is added to the beginning of the survey. This allows respondents to choose their preferred language for the survey.

Authoring   Language Question

The language select question is prefilled with:

  • An editable prompt ("Select your preferred language:")
  • The language labels you defined in the Languages table.

Languages cannot be removed as options in the question. To remove a language, delete it from the Languages table in the Languages settings area.

To display a label different from the original Language name, enter an alternate label in the Enter alternate text input field next to the language name in the question.

User interface showing where to provide an alternative language name.

If you have multiple languages, the Language Select question cannot be removed. To remove the question, revert the survey to a single language by deleting all but one language from the Languages table in the Languages settings area.

Pass-in (URL) variable

The language Pass-in variable allows you to set the survey language for respondents via values included in the survey URL. These values correspond to the Pass-in/Data value inputs in the Languages table.

To turn on this setting, click the Enable language pass-in (URL) variable toggle.

User interface showing where to toggle on Pass-in Variables to define the survey language

Respondents with a matching Pass-in variable value will skip the single-select language question at the start of the survey.

If the Pass-in variable value does not match any language values (including being empty), respondents will see the single-select language question.

This setting ensures seamless language selection for respondents entering through predefined URLs while providing a fallback to manual selection if the URL value is invalid.


While setting up multiple languages in Discover, you may encounter Survey audit messages related to your chosen settings. Below are explanations for these messages:

Pass-in/data value: duplicate value with "[language-name]"

The Pass-in/Data Values must be unique as they are used to save respondent data records for the language variable and to set the survey language via a Pass-in variable (if applicable).

Pass-in/data value cannot be empty

This requirement is for the same reason as the "Duplicate value" error: to ensure that each language's data is accurately recorded and distinguishable.